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Beautiful Grandma Ni...Happy Birthday Grand...Sweet Grandma Antoni...Antonieta Luis Geraldo AbreuNieta's GrandchildrenHappy Mother's DayFeliz NatalMom's Angel Annivers...Antonieta's Beautifu...Together Forever In ...A Special GiftFor You Mom & Dad
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Yolanda Benevides
Minha querida irma,sempre amada e lembrada,mando muitos beijos para voce mamae papai Geraldo Bella Nivando Fernando e todos
Your Friends From Brazil
Beautiful lady you are forever in our hearts,never aou of our hearts,mind and thoughts.We love you so much and miss you too
Good Night Mom
Forever in my heart,i love you and miss you,but i know that someday we all will be together again as a family,love 2u dad n Bella
In Loving Memory Of Our
Beautiful adorable,precious and lovely grandma Antonieta,always and forever in our hearts mind n soul.You're our guardian ^i^
Rita De Cassia
Mamae sempre querida seras,tanta saudade sinto por voce,mais a senhora foi para o ceu,o melhor lugar,com paz e tranquilidade.
Good night grandma,sleep in peace,with all the heaven's angel singing and playing songs for you.Always in my heart.
Fernanda Abreu
Grandma you will never be out of my heart and mind,i always will love you,you were the BEST grandma Ever,i miss you so mcuh
Your Grandchildren
Thinking of you grandma Nieta,grandpa Gege and Bella,we all are missing you very much,rest in peace.
Your Forever Daughter
Good night mom,sleep in peace,sweet dreams,always and forever in my heart.
Clores~Your Daughter
Mom thinking of you today and always,keeping your memories always on my mind and in my heart.Love you mom
Rita De Cassia
Mamae sempre esteja perto de nos,ajude nos,estamos muito descansados sabenso que esta bem feliz,venha em nossos sonhos
Yolanda Benevides
Minha irma querida,a saudade faz com que o tempo passa mais ligeiro e em breve irei ve-la.Fica na paz e na luz
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